MotionGenesis Kane
PC/Windows Installation
Contact Motion Genesis if one of the following steps could not be completed (provide the step #).
Note: Sometimes security warnings are issued when installing or starting the software.
  1. Download InstallMotionGenesisTo­FolderPC.exe to your computer.
  2. On your computer, double-click on the installer file InstallMotionGenesisTo­FolderPC.exe
    Click here if you get the message: "This app can't run on your PC. To find the version for your PC, check with the software publisher."
  3. On your computer, change to the MotionGenesis folder
    From within that folder, double-click on MotionGenesisStartHere.
  4. Software license problems? (if not skip this item)
    A. Ensure the MotionGenesis USER is the person logged into the computer (usually true).
    B. The license agreement should appear. Type Y (YES) if you agree.
    C. Type Y in response to the question: "Do you want to request a license? (Y/N):"
    If this question does not appear, type License at the MotionGenesis line prompt.
    D. Enter a single letter  a - f  for license version (e.g., Student or Professional).
    For multiuser network/server, enter a letter  n - s  (requires a pre-negotiated special license).
    E. Enter a number (e.g., 1 or 2) for license duration in years.
    F. Enter your name and the name of your organization/school (or "Home" or "None").
    G. Use your mouse to HIGHLIGHT the on-screen ComputerID.
    H. Press ENTER to copy the on-screen ComputerID to the computer's clipboard.
    I. Paste that ComputerID into an email to MotionGenesis (e.g., use Ctrl-V to paste).
    J. We typically email your MGLicense.txt file within 1 business day.  From that email, download the file MGLicense.txt to your computer and move that file to your computer's MotionGenesis folder.  If you do not receive our email, check your spam folder, resend your email license request to MotionGenesis, and/or call us.
    K. Redo steps  #3,  #4A,  #4B  above.
    L. If any on-screen licensing error messages appear, please send them to MotionGenesis.
    Note: Request a new license if you change your ComputerName, UserName, computer hardware/OS, ....
  5. To quit, type exit at the MotionGenesis line prompt.
  6. Do some of the two minute Get-Started exercises.
If you encounter problems, please see: MotionGenesis Installation and License Video
This app can't run on your PC. To find the version for your PC, check with the software publisher.
If you get this error it may be due to a corrupt or incomplete install file.
Re-download the installation file. Most time, this fixes the problem (the installer is ≈ 14 MB).
If there is a 32/64-bit problem with InstallMotionGenesisTo­FolderPC.exe, try the following:
1. Right-click on InstallMotionGenesisTo­FolderPC.exe
2. From the pull-down menu, select Properties.
3. Click the Compatibility tab.
4. Check the box that says "Run this program in compatibility mode for"
5. Choose: "Windows XP Service Pack 3"
6. Again run the installer by double-clicking on InstallMotionGenesisTo­FolderPC.exe
If there is a 32/64-bit problem with MotionGenesis.exe, try the following:
1. Go to your computer's MotionGenesis folder.
2. Right-click on MotionGenesis.exe
3. From the pull-down menu, select Properties.
4. Click the Compatibility tab.
5. Choose: "Windows XP Service Pack 3"
6. Again run the program by double-clicking on MotionGenesis.exe
Multiuser network/server installation (requires special license $$).