Advanced Dynamics & Motion Simulation
Part Student worksheet (.pdf) Instructor worksheet (.pdf) More
Intro MIPSI for classroom display
Intro MIPSI Pendulum (2D) MIPSI Pendulum (2D) Simulation+
Intro MIPSI Chaotic pendulum MIPSI Chaotic pendulum
Simulation+   MotionGenesis Babyboot schematic
Concept Vocabulary for F = ma
Vocabulary advanced dynamics
Same as student Courtesy Dr. Buff Furman
Chap 2 Vector basics Same as student
Hw 0 Concept test   F = ma Overcoming certainty Overcoming certainty
Hw 1-2 Hw 1 & 2: Vector review In instructor textbook Hw Microphone (Jacobs)
Hw 1-2 Beam cable length? Beam cable length
Hw 4 Angle/rotation matrix (basics) In instructor textbook
Hw 5 Differentiation review In instructor textbook
Hw 6 Angular velocity concepts In instructor textbook
Hw 8 Velocity concepts In instructor textbook
Hw 8 Swinging beam? Swinging beam
Hw 10 Constraints/DOF concepts In instructor textbook
Hw 11 Degrees of freedom In instructor textbook
Misc Particle vocabulary/formulas To do
Hw 13 Moments/products of inertia In instructor textbook
Hw 13 Dynamic Celt Lab In instructor textbook
Simulation+   DynamicCeltRattlebackPhotoCropped.jpg
Misc Rigid body vocabulary/formula To do
Hw 15 3D rigid body spin-stability In instructor textbook
Simulation+   NASAF15PhotoMojaveDesert1997Cropped.jpg
Hw 15 Gyro simulation Gyro simulation Gyro file (with blanks)
Hw 15 Biomechanics muscle/curl Biomechanics muscle/curl Curling file (with blanks)
Hw 15
Hw 17
Over­coming certainty MotionGenesis - Roll that spool: Overcoming certainty
Chap 18 Etymology of force (just for fun) Etymology of force (for fun)
Hw 16 Forces and statics In instructor textbook
Hw 17 Moment, torque, statics In instructor textbook
Chap 17 Rigid-body pendulum Rigid-body pendulum
Simulation+   MotionGenesis RigidBodyPendulumSchematic.png
Hw 18 FBDs and F = ma In instructor textbook
Hw 19 Rotational dynamics In instructor textbook
Hw 20 Power, work, energy In instructor textbook Hamiltonian/energy integrals
Chap 23 MG Road-maps (intro) Same as student
Chap 23
MG road-maps: 12 examples
Or with MotionGenesis commands
MG road-maps: 12 examples
Or with MotionGenesis commands
Baseball+   MotionGenesis Projectile Motion
Pendulum+   MotionGenesis RigidBodyPendulumSchematic.png
Spin stability+   MotionGenesis: 3D Rigid Body Spin Stability
Babyboot+   MotionGenesis Babyboot schematic
Ice-skater+   MotionGenesis Ice skater example
Gyro/turntable+   MotionGenesis Human on turntable with gyro
High-wire bear+   MotionGenesis Bear on unicycle rolling on a high wire
4-bar linkage+   MotionGenesis Four-bar linkage
Chap 29 Particle pendulum MIPSI   (dynamic analysis with multiple methods)
Simulation+   MotionGenesis: Particle pendulum simulation
Hw 24 MIPSI Simulation