Advanced Dynamics & Motion Simulation

For Professional Engineers and Graduate Work

This book provides concise methods for kinematics, mass properties, energy, force analyses, and dynamics.

It evolves with modern demands for mechanical, aerospace, biomechanical, and robotic systems.

The book provides easy-to-use efficient techniques for computer simulation, control system design, vibration & structural analysis, optimization, mechanical design, and machine learning.

This training provides concise theory, examples, definitions, formulas, advanced methods, and tools for the efficient formulation and solution of equations of motion. It is unique in its careful rigor for 3D kinematics (3D angular velocity, etc.).

With over 460 interactive problems and thousands of guided steps, this resource empowers engineers to form and solve nonlinear differential and algebraic equations for constrained multibody systems.

Interactive and guided.

The 460+ example/homework problems are designed to be interactive and guided, enabling continuous progress and steady mastery of the material. The meaningful interactive problems are carefully synthesized with small, intelligible steps. The high-quality focused interaction minimizes frustration, fosters a confident foundation in mechanics, cultivates a positive learning experience, and speeds acquisition of valuable skills.

This dynamics material has trained engineering students at Stanford, Harvey Mudd, Rice University, UPenn, Tufts, San Jose State University, Florida State FAMU/FSU (Tallahassee & Panama), U.Florida (Gainesville), U.Nevada/Reno, U.Missouri/Kansas City, U.Texas/Austin, U.Illinois, Santa Clara, York College, West Point USMA, Lehigh, LeTourneau, Western New England University, Bucknell, Cal State Northridge, Temple University, Université de Sherbrooke, U.Denver, ... and many force and motion experts in government and industry.

Purchase includes 3 years of
MotionGenesis™ software
460+ Interactive Problems
Student Edition
Institution Edition
Professional Edition
Instructor Edition


Pages*: 587 Volume I: 315 pages of theory & examples.Volume II: 272 pages of dynamics problems).
Student Edition: Ensure your instructor has already ordered this book or contact us. Volume I is color. Volume II is grayscale.
Institution Edition: For libraries, industry, or individuals not part of a classroom adoption. Volume I is color. Volume II is grayscale.
Professional Edition: Full color | Instructors, See our policy for discounted books/software.
Material*: Spiral helical binding. Vinyl or synthetic covers. Paper 8½ x 11 in.
*Textbook details (page count, binding, color, etc.) are subject to change without notice.