Motion and Simulation Training
  • Contact Motion Genesis to schedule training or on-site seminar.
  • Transportation and accommodations may be booked by either Motion Genesis or its client.
  • Other courses, options, and textbooks are available.
  • Please have estimates for the following:
    1. Event (e.g., professional training, instructor training, or academic seminar).
    2. Event type (e.g., basic/advanced motion simulation or control-system integration).
    3. Preferred schedule (several options are ideal).
    4. Desired number of software training licenses and/or textbooks.
    5. Estimated budget and number of attendees

Sample 1-5 day motion and simulation training course
Vector operations
  • Notation: Syntactical form, constructors, RigidFrame, RigidBody.
  • Addition, subtraction: Computation, uniform basis, mixed basis.
  • Dot, cross Command syntax, functions for calculating angles, distances, area, volume, ...
  • Ordinary time-derivative: Command syntax, need for a reference frame in computation.
  • Partial derivative: Command syntax, possible need for a reference frame in computation.
Rotational kinematics
  • Rotation matrix: Syntactical form, simple rotation matrix, successive rotations, matrix multiplication, command syntax, automated computation with syntactical forms.
  • Angular velocity: Syntactical form, simple angular velocity, angular addition theorem, use with vector differentiation, command syntax, automated computation with syntactical forms.
  • Angular acceleration: Syntactical form, definition, utility in formulas, command syntax, automated computation with syntactical forms.
  • Rotational Odes: Euler angles, Euler parameters, Rodrigues parameters, Poisson parameters.
Translational kinematics
  • Position vector: Syntactical form, command syntax, automatic computation.
  • Velocity: Syntactical form, formulas for forming velocity, computation.
  • Acceleration: Syntactical form, formulas for forming acceleration, command syntax, automated computation with syntactical forms.
Mass distribution
  • Mass: Assigning mass of particles and bodies. Summing mass of particles, bodies, and systems.
  • Mass center: Syntax for body's center of mass. Calculating position, velocity, and acceleration of system mass centers.
  • Inertia properties: Assigning rigid body's via inertia dyadics, matrices, moments, and products. Calculating system inertia properties (dyadics, matrices, moments, products, and radii of gyration).
Force, torque, moment, power, work, and energy
  • Force: Syntactical form. Command syntax for adding forces to points. Command syntax for summing forces on points, particles, bodies, frames, and systems. Force models for gravity (local/universal), electrostatics, springs, dampers, etc.
  • Torque: Syntactical form. Command syntax for adding torque to reference frames. Torque models for viscous dampers, etc.
  • Moment: Command syntax for summing moments of forces on points, particles, bodies, frames, and systems about a designated point.
  • Power/work: Calculating system power and work done by dissipative forces.
  • Energy: Commands for kinetic/potential energy and energy checking functions.
Statics and dynamics
  • Translation: Command syntax for statics or dynamics using forces or Newton's equations for points, particles, bodies, frames, and systems.
  • Rotation: Command syntax for statics or dynamics using moments or Euler's equations (angular momentum principle) for points, particles, bodies, frames, and systems.
  • System: Command syntax for statics or dynamics of systems using generalized methods, e.g., Kane and Lagrange.
Simulation and code generation (MATLAB®, C, Fortran, ...)
  • Linear algebraic equations: Solve, Input, Output, Units, and UnitSystem.
  • Nonlinear algebraic equations: Solve, initial guesses and convergence.
  • Nonlinear differential equations: Integration step, error tolerances, checking functions, graphing.
Topics for 3+ day courses
  • Augmented method: Augmenting constraints to equations of motion. Initial configuration and motion problems.
  • Embedded method: Determination of independent and dependent variables.
  • Mixed methods: Constrained systems with augmented and embedded constraints.
  • Configuration variables: Generating efficient simulation and control-systems codes.
  • Motion variables: Choice of angular velocity variables, generalized speeds, and independent/dependent subsets.
  • AutoZee: Automating the introduction of efficient intermediate variables.
  • Configuration variables: Generating efficient simulation and control-systems codes.
  • Motion variables: Choice of angular velocity variables, generalized speeds, and independent/dependent subsets.
  • AutoZee: Automating the introduction of efficient intermediate variables.
Linearization and control-system integration
  • Linearization: Nominal solutions, perturbations.
  • Efficient linearization: Efficient generation of linearized equations of motion.
  • Stability analysis: Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, system response.
  • Control system design: State-space feedback control techniques.
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